Monday, October 29, 2007


i saw this article on and i thought it was interesting because we were learning about cells and the different functions of a cell. In New Jersey, people have the chance to vote for a a stem cell research, that is going to cost 450 million dollars. This is a lot of money, but i think it might be worth every penny of it, if the scientists can find new facts that might actually change the future. They might be able to prevent diseases and other harmful bacteria and viruses. If i lived in New jersey and had the chance to vote for this, i would approve of it, even though my taxes go might go up. i feel like this a good cause, and that it has potential to change the future. I think if 450 million dollars can save 1 humen life, i think it is worth every penny. I hope this reasearch gets passed by the voters of New Jersy and that it can lead to a better future.

Thursday, October 18, 2007