Monday, January 28, 2008

Something That Will Blow Your Mind!!!

Louise Mead of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) came into Mr. Olson's classroom in Mills High School to teach the class how evolution works. Her interest in Salamanders, has lead her to believe evolution is highly possible. She also found that Salamanders from the Eastern United States, were found in Japan. The students were amazed on the information and pictures that were shown on a PowerPoint presentation. Her explanation of how monkeys and humans shared common ancestors shocked some students. Louise Mead also talked about natural and sexual selection, how different species evolved over time. At the end of the end of the day, Mr. Olson and his students learned many new facts and saw the possibility of evolution. She clearly proved that evolution had occurred on earth, and that we all share common ancestors. This presentation was a outstanding summary of the life on Earth, that would help students understand what would be learned in class in the future.