Monday, May 12, 2008


Stop. Close your textbooks and online resources. All you need to do buy the new StudyHelp9000. This new device is simply put on to your head like a cap. The StudyHelp9000 simulates the brain and causes what ever you read or listened to will be stored in your brain! Some say this device is a cheating mechanism, but most people agree, that with the technology, this allows students and others who want to remember something, save lots of time. This extra time allows more children to get their mind off school and studying, and allows them to play and have fun, and to stay healthy. The StudyHelp9000 is not 100% guaranteed, but it will definitely get you to remember things a lot more than cramming yourself. The StudyHelp9000 doesn't let the brain remember information for very long. The StudyHelp9000 will get some information to become long term memory, but other things such as detailed lines from a play, will only last about a month, depending on the person. If you want to have more time, with family, friends, or activities, but still want to study or remember things, then StudyHelp9000 is for you.

ny pain, dizziness, or headaches lasting for more then 4 hours, you should see your doctor right away. Other side effects include vomiting and or abdominal pain.

I think that the Studyhelp9000 is a really good idea. I truly believe that the population of obese children and adults will be minimized. I also don't think this is considered as cheating, the person is reading it, or remembering what ever they want, the Studyhelp9000 just makes you remember it a lot faster and longer. I think this new invention is a plus to the society and great benefit for everyone. I believe it benefits everyone, and no one is at loss.

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